Saturday, November 25, 2006

Good Morning, Star Shine

We started reading Shine, Star Jones Reynold’s self improvement testimony and her tips on how to be your best and shine. Mostly, we wanted to snicker, but then realized twenty pages in that this desire wasn’t exactly woman-empowering. She may have annoyed people, married a gay man, or whatever, but she has had quite a life. Why do we have to like or hate these people? Dish doesn’t think Star is harming the planet, so we wish her well on her personal journey.

Who knows what these celebs do? The fact could be that they aren’t as interesting as their PR machines would like us to think. Tons of people file for divorce, have babies or lavish weddings, deliver racial slurs, marry the obviously wrong mate, get fat, get skinny, cheat, follow crazy religions and exude nothingness. I’m sure if we were famous, our romantic woes, spirituality or eating habits would hold no end of fascination. But for now it makes our friends’ and family’s eyes glaze over, n'est-ce pas?

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