Monday, September 03, 2007

Whoring out your children -- The Dakota Fanning Method

Cranky Rant of the Night: Theft! Three ad adencies came up with the brilliant idea of having kids say smart, edumacated stuff about certain products -- kids who would probably rather make their poopies into boats in the toilet bowl. Companies doing these silly ads are, AIG, and Verizon. Yes, these robotic, money-obsessed children are our future. Either that or children are the new pets. And they grow up so fast...and get busted for DUI twice and driving high and without a license and do nothing for humanity.


Anonymous said...

What the hell does Dakota have to do with DUI. You're thinking about those two tards Paris and Lindsey.

Dish said...

It's true, Dakota doesn't have a DUI...yet. And Drew Barrymore didn't have one either.