According to Elisabeth Hasselbeck on today's The View, the surge of older women going gay is because of a lack of men. If I hadn't found TG, I'd be a lesbian for sure and now I know why! Most of my female friends have said at least once after a bad boyfriend, "I wish I were gay." I did, too. If only for the events, clothes, and bad movies based on my issue.
Dish, you're so conservative, I know you're thinking you would never dare to spend 3-5 million on your wedding, like Hill spent on Chelsea. All you need is 1 Lorasepam and just one million from mumsie, at least that's all you'll dish to us!
How can anyone spend 5 million on a wedding? Isn't that tacky and shameful in these hard times? Why do the Clintons want to draw attention to the wedding and thus the fact that their daughter's father-in-law-to-be is an ex-con and that he and his wife were in congress from two different states. Analyze that, Dish.
What does Dish know about TG's family? Why haven't we seen their picture?
It is VERY excessive to spend that much. Then again, weddings aren't really about the couple. Lots of networking will occur and let's hope Chelsea has fun. If she's marrying into a weird family, it's because she's used to it! All we can do is pray for her...That no harm comes to her or Hills.
Dish knows a lot about TG's family, though is becoming paranoid due to watching too many episodes of Criminal Minds...
When you got it, flaunt it!!!
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