Monday, July 08, 2013

George Clooney Is Single Again--And The Planet Explodes with Joy

Though, having tracked the love lives of most celebs, I know that patterns rarely change. He will find another lovely somewhat unknown lady and date her for a couple years before moving on. This process is as old as time, like the one where I reach for three Altoids when I'm nervous and can't find an exit, like when I follow TG into the kitchen because I want to irritate him. Dish only likes George's work, not his buns. It's a taste thing. Lots of friends lust after George. Don't you think he's getting skeevy with the beard? I'm sorry, that's a loaded question. What I love about George is his sense of humor and how he made Julia laugh so much during filming of Ocean's 11.

Speaking of skeevy, will NYC forgive the wonder-lust twins Weiner and Spitzer as they both seek political office, mayor and comptroller disrespectfully? If I can bear voting, it will be for anyone else. My cynical heart thinks they both might win.


John Haracopos said...

Seriously Dishgirl,
Don't you think the reason for the "Clooney Pattern" of dating is because he's gay?? I see him as this generations Rock Hudson. He has fantastic chemistry with women on screen but in real life he is so completely uninterested in them. I urge you to find and watch the video of Mr. Clooney on the red carpet with Stacy Keibler at The Oscars. He appears to be with her as if he's got an umbrella on his arm; zero chemistry.
I love George and if he is a gay man and wants to stay closeted thats his prerogative but lets not kid ourselves., as Oprah says, "People tell you who they are within 5 minutes, you just have to look and allow yourself see the truth without projecting who you want them to be."
BTW, It's far too long since we've enjoyed each others company!!!!

Dish said...

Who knows what he is, but I'm sure it's a variation of many rumors. I tend to think he will enjoy anyone's company--male and/or female--but doesn't want any long-lasting attachment.

I know, I have to pick up the phone and make an appointment. I'm really terrible and, believe me, I've been a hermit.

DM said...

I recommend Tarot by Antoine.wordpress. It used to be associated with this blog but has spun off into wit and hilarity on its own.