...which begs for Matt Damon to be the new Robin and Jennifer Garner to be the new Catwoman and Robin Williams to be the new Alfred. I may be in the minority but I approve this choice of Ben. He'll bring out the bat in the man. Christian Bale does nothing for Dish. My only worry: Doesn't playing Batman kind of mean your career is going downhill?
Time for some Kleenex on this news: Richie Sambora has left Bon Jovi. If Duran Duran can survive the loss of Andy Taylor, surely, Bon Jovi can find a new rocking guitarist. We Duranies are thrilled with Dom. Fans will adapt.
We finally know what baby North West looks like. Of course, being a baby, she is adorable. I immediately thought she looked like Kim. Speaking of celebrity babies, Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria are the proud parents of a baby girl named Carmen.
I'm giving birth to a new addiction to Carambar candies from France.
Matt as Robin? I don't think so! He should be the new Superman! And yes, I think they should (accidentally?) kiss and start a new superhero series for those of us who like our heroes super sexy and super passionate for each other. Cat woman? Who's that?
Totes agree that Matt would be a great Superman! I want to see them run at each other and butt chests.
Agree that Cat Woman means nothing if not Michelle Pfeiffer or previous actresses.
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