Monday, August 12, 2013

Bonjour, Mes Amis!

Dish est living it up en France. Je ne sais pas comment j'ai survived le plane mais j'ai did. Nous eatons, walkons, et cloggue les arteries. Une nice vacation avec mon chou chou.


Dishcousin said...

So glad you're enjoying Paree. I was in NYC this week for a few days and missed you!

Anonymous said...

Any celebs in Paris besides TG?

Dish said...

TG keeps saying that he sees French celebs but we know he's full of merde.

John Haracopos said...

Keep in mind that You & TG are American celebs and that FrenchDishBitch is blogging your every move!!!

Dish said...

We will be home soon and retake our thrones!