My friends are educated, yet lately their rants are more passionate and rhetorical than fact filled. I don't blame them because the campaign has turned me violent, too. I've received countless emails filled with venom against Palin (not so much about McCain)--what a bad mom she is, how bad she is, bad, bad, bad. They sound like my rants of why I love Hillary, how I've suddenly snapped and become adamant that bitchy women should have power (Martha, Barbra, Katie C.), how they get things done. So...with all the shredding of Palin and nothing to discount the Democrat frat boys, McCain skirt-chasing and pundit gang-banging of Hillary, I offer this:
Biden's teeth on Meet the Press yesterday were so white, I had to avert my eyes. It was like that episode of Friends where Ross left the whitener on too long. Old men should have yellow teeth, with a little food stuck in them. I know my gays would disagree, but I like my OMPs with combovers (which Biden has), wrinkly butts, and nasty teeth. Instead, Biden's chompers glow. You know his hair will get darker and more plentiful as we close in on November 4th...
How Dare You?? Your gays would disagree???? Anyone with taste would disagree, yellow teeth? stuck food?
GROSS!!! Until November 4, 2008. I forbid you to to make ANY derogatory comments towards ANY democrat! Well it's not for me to forbid you anything, just don't do it!
I was going to run on the "White Teeth for All" platform in the primaries. Good thing I dropped it. Thanks for the support.
Ah, fascism is alive and well... But for real, old people should look old. And doesn't Biden look like he's had a bad eye lift? I mean, he's not hot.
Aw, Joe B. It's just that we like you just as you are. Smooches!
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