Life can't get any better. Can it? It CAN! Steven Seagal is doing a reality show about being a cop in New Orleans. I'm so running down to Bourbon Street to break a window and steal me some pastries. I want to get collared by Steven Seagal!!!!
Despite all attempts to eff up my holidays, I'm giddy. Superman is taking me away on our first mini-break. We all know how that helped Bridget and Hugh Grant, but Dish will wear long scarf that flaps out window as Superman whisks us across buccolic Connecticut. V. romantic.
Hey Dish,
Thanks for your kinds words on my "husband", Hugh. I've known he's the sexiest man alive for years. Ever since he clawed his way into my heart as Wolverine in XMen. :)
I'm always happy to support your hubby. What a charmer!
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