Tom Cruise visited my dreams again last night. How many times does this make and why? I was at a party, so was he. We had one of those sightings across a crowded room. We met in the middle and hugged, not romantically but just like Thank God someone is here for me in this lame party. It felt good to be hugged by Tom Cruise. I told him how much I enjoyed him in
Lions for Lambs. He hugged me harder. I guess he's not used to praise.
Now...if only someone could tell me WTF Tom stands for in my life.
Tom Crusie stands for the small things you can't let go of in Life! Stop hugging the small one! Don't sweat the small stuff. Move on, Move Up, Move forward; you're worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe Tom represents Ambien... I love him, I don't see him every night, plus he's very small and mind-numbing. :)
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