Dish can boast the same work ethic as Harvey Levin. Harv is the god of TMZ as well as the crowd pleaser outside of
The People's Court (starring the fair and feisty Marilyn Milian--Dish is a huge fan). However you may feel about super-invasive gossip-mongers, you gotta admire someone who works like a dog (I would note Ryan Seacrest but he's not really on Dish's radar). I notice Harv's always sipping a drink on TMZ as he listens to his peons sputter dirt. If I were Harvey, that big cup would be filled with scotch. It doesn't take that much to perch over a divider and listen (might as well be hammered). Sometimes, he goes to the whiteboard to write down star-facts (Brenda Johnson also does this on
The Closer), making the gossip that much more important. Not to be too PC since Dish loves dirt, but one wonders what Harvey could do for those in need rather than the super-privileged.
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