The real news: I saw Flirting with Forty and had a terrible time reconciling Heather's real age with that of her heroine. I love Heather but it might have been more interesting to have her be 50. The surfer-dude leading man was hunky and nice, but just not great enough for Heather. What's the message? That older women can snag younger men, too? Or that older women can settle, too? Or that we can have fun even while on the brink of death? I wasn't quite sure. And I resented that poor Heather had to do all the traveling to tryst with Mr. Abs-of-Steel. I don't recommend it (but will secretly watch again).
Tonight and the rest of the week--am catching up with Mad Men and falling more deeply in love with Jon Hamm.
Flirting with Forty was HORRIBLE! Hether was Botoxed within an inch of her life. I couldn't tell whether she was happy, sad or what. But then, I was too busy drooling over boy toy Robert Buckley, who had much better chemistry with Kim Raver on Lipstick Jungle. :) I was definitely bummed, but then , it was a Lifetime movie. How dare I have such high hopes!
Agree, though Dish admits to loving some Lifetime movies. Some Sundays, you just gotta gather your chips, chocolate, and soda (beer) and watch all freaking day.
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