I escaped New York this weekend: no TV, no sirens outside my window, no tabloids for two days. The place where I'm staying is owned by a
Lost fanatic and she sort of hinted that we might like to view the finale tonight or she could watch it hulu.com tomorrow. I seized on the yearning in her eyes and insisted that we all needed to watch that finale together. Does Dish EVER dispute a request for television? I'm only through Season 1 but it might spur my progress if I saw the end first. It's also been 42 hours since my last television. My only concern--and please don't spoil it for me--is if Naveen Andrews dies. He had me at
The English Patient and I heart when good actors go to the small screen. Could care less about Sawyer and Kate.
We're having special popcorn and several bottles of wine for the occasion. (As usual, Dish will imbibe a tablespoon of wine and claim to be trashed)
If you are a fen of Naveen Andrews you must rent the Mira Nair film "Kama Sutra"....
Thimbleful of wine...we know your REAL love, and he begins with an A.
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