TG leaves tomorrow for the Middle East. We decided to have a cozy night, watching the remake of Nuremberg starring Alec Baldwin. We were instantly bored. Instead, we watched The Insider. TG remarked that Russell Crowe is excellent at looking worried. I really don't think he's done anything good since The Insider. If you watch him carefully in every movie following that one, he's a bit of a hack. Even in The Insider, he does some tricks but I believe him. Great Al Pacino. I enjoy his yelling.
Pacino is a good yeller.
We fathought Russell Crowe was a Dish fave (from very early blogs).
Love Pacino's lack of voice control.
Did love Russell for a while but lately his performances seem the same. Sort of liked him in State of Play. I've soured on him since he threw the phone.
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