Loved, loved the Sean Hayes/Chenoweth Frenching.
Interesting how Scarlett hugged Liev before her husband. I give it another year.
I wish I understood my violent aversion to Green Day. They are just loud and sing three notes. And the red pants.
Antonio Banderas has still got it.
Adored that Kate Finneran won a Tony! She was brilliant in Promises, Promises--and, indeed, stole the show.
Most of the speeches were too long and theatrical.
I'm very sorry the ratings were bad, but who's surprised? How many get to NY to see these plays?
no one should be surprised by the ratings. they always suck.
Ryan might be wearing the beard, but Scarlett is the beard. Oops, did I say that?
So glad you said it, Hershey. Always thought RR was gay.
I know from two sources who've worked with Scarlett and they say she's a delight.
RR and Sandra Bullock would make a cute couple. What does Dish think?
Poor Sandra has enough heartache, she doesn't need to catch RR in bed with some delicious male buttercup. Now, RR and HERSHEY would make a spectacular couple .. that's a whole other ballgame.
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