1. My hate for Peter Berg because he flicked a cigarette in Dishbrother's face in high school. Peter has done great work and I have to focus on that. (Dishbrother has aged way better)
2. My fear of Hilary Swank and Julia Stiles's wolf teeth. The nightmares won't stop but perhaps if I ask them what they want, maybe they'll go away. I do love them as actresses.
3. The fantasy that Shirley MacLaine will conjure me and we'll take long hikes through the rough terrain of New Mexico. Then, after a meal of yogurt and dried fruit (her diet on the Camino), maybe we can both talk to Heath Ledger, Marilyn, Elvis and ask WTF happened. I long for this, but Downton Abbey will take up her time.
4. My inability to remember how Anderson Cooper is awesome. It's coming back now. He's doing a great job of reporting the horror in Syria.
5. The urge to watch Fox News, just for fun. They just suck--and not in a good way.
6. The propensity to follow the wave of Stupid, like getting caught up in the Kardashians (which won't go away) or all those housewives. My brain is filled with manicures, frozen faces and expensive dresses that look cheap. A FB Friend just "liked" a literary journal. Why am I not doing the same? Tee hee.
I can't release my foraging for star-gossip:
Like that anchorman Greg Kelly was cleared of rape charges. If there is a god, I hope she/he helps his accuser, whatever happened.
The Bachelor's big crybaby Jake Pavelka has joined Chippendales in Las Vegas. Wasn't he a pilot? It's so sad when skilled professionals go into show business. Self-respect doesn't live here anymore. Poor Jake.
House is ending after eight years. The sobbing you hear is TG, though that could be because our Fios isn't working.
Gary Busey is broke. I have two words: Point Break 2.
No. 3 sounds like a lot of fun :) I've always wondered what Warren and Shirley talk about when they get together...
Since last night's Top Chef is bringing me to tears this morning, Dish is welcome comic relief.
Can you imagine? Warren is so smart about politics and she's such a great traveler and thinker. They must have AWESOME conversations.
What happened on Top Chef? Did the wrong person get booted off? Did Padma hiss at someone?
All the chefs started tearing up when their former mentors appeared from behind the magic curtain during the Quickfire challenge and since I'm not terribly in touch with my own emotions in a personal crisis, my body takes every other opportunity it can to release excess cortisol. I used to try to stifle those tears of ridiculousness until I found out that releasing excess cortisol=releasing excess pounds....
Huh? This is all way above the stars.
By the way, the "word verifications" are often off. Does Dish ever look at them? Tonight's is "comatr." Think about it. Some pervert is making them up perhaps.
Anonymous 1: Mentors appearing would send me to tissue town. Did not know that it helped release poundage!!! Maybe that's how the stars stay skinny, they're just crying it out.
Anonymous 2: re: Huh and word verifications. I'm not sure why they're there. Perhaps I should remove. I was getting a lot of spam when I wrote more about God Himself (aka Gale Harold).
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