...exactly the same as those of Nick Rhodes and Katy Krassner, who do a rigorous and fascination dissection of each award, including what should win and what WILL win. I tend to side with Katy the most as Nick can be too unwavering in his delicious snootiness (I get it, I spent much of my childhood in Paris and bathed in culture but I can give Sandy an Oscar and live with myself)
http://www.duranduran.com/wordpress/2012/nick-katys-2012-oscar-picks/. I love these two! (Esp. Katy. Nick, too)
So, the love story of TG and Dish has spread to other blogs. We found one accounting of our reunion (on lovetrekker.com, right around Valentine's Day) and IT WAS LIKE SHE WAS THERE. We realized this blogger was "on the inside" even though we didn't recognize her. It's official that we're famous. People just keep talking about us.
They do, don't they?

Back to the Republican Debate. It's like watching
Seinfeld. Wish one of them would bump into furniture or pee on the chair cushion.
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