Thursday, October 23, 2008

Super Interesting Headline

What's in the news? Lindsay Lohan allegedly got fired from Ugly Betty. Both sides say it's the other's fault. Well, if I'd spent so much time misbehaving, I would bend over backwards (!) to be saintly. Nothing would get me fired. It's called having a WORK ETHIC. If America Ferrera wanted to short-sheet my bed, I'd let her and then I'd do everything I could to get on her good side. Once I'd re-amassed my power, I'd rig cans of paint to fall on her head during a hot date--but not a second before. Every fall-out has two versions, but I gotta go with America on this one. I did love Lindsay in The Parent Trap, though.

Other less important news: Dish has a date with Superman tomorrow--though he claims not to be able to leap tall buildings. Landmark moment: It's the first time in 24 years Dish will date someone who is the prettier one. Let's hope I can stand everyone NOT staring at me. What can I say? I'm crying tears of joy. (Unless he's a Ted Bundy type--in which case, crap! And Dish Brother is my beneficiary and gets all my really interesting diaries)

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