I've enjoyed Michelle Obama throughout the campaign so I was horrified by last night's dream. It involves celebrities so must share: I hung out at my farm house (um, okay) with all my horses (not a horse girl) where there was a school, rallies, and area for speechifying. The Obamas were about to appear but I had this amazing idea. Since Michelle Obama was in my employ (???), I decided it would be fun to fire her. We sat in a room and I did a grand Bette Davis performance as I let her go. She had no reaction but at the end, asked if she could leave since she had to join her husband on the campaign trail. By all means, leave, I said, waving my invisible cigarette. The second she left, I had this TERRIBLE feeling and ran after her. No! I had fired her for no reason except to see if I could act. I really *did* love her. As I scampered around the farmhouse, I ran into my friend Tash, fellow cougar babe and my partner in most evil schemes. She giggled over my fake firing of Michelle Obama but understood if I needed to make amends. In the end, I never found Michelle but after four months with no candidate, I finally know how I will vote. Maybe my psychotic subconscious sadism helped me decide. In the end, as with all important matters, I'm putting it in Cher's hands.
Update: Dish's dream expert says, based on this freak-reverie, Dish is a crazy b*tch.
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