Update: Dish should worry about world hunger and tonight's debate, which will no doubt discuss things we haven't ever heard before, but Gale is the ultimate focus. It all starts with one, right? So he has a fractured shoulder and brain swelling. Honestly, I think he'll be fine because my brain is often swollen--with love for him! Should I be killed for wondering if doctors will shave his head? It doesn't matter--Gale would rock a donkey costume. Moral of the story: If you're on a hit show, don't get on a motorcyle. Leave that to Keanu Reeves.
God, please please please let him be okay. It's all I ask...
I know! Poor Gale! I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
Should I be killed for wondering if doctors will shave his head?
No more than I should for hoping that Randy flys out to visit him in the hospital. :)
Oh, S. I think we're the same person. Slow motion shot of Randy running through hospital halls to get to Gale. He cries softly at Gale's bedside, tubes and machines everywhere. Gale's eyes flutter open...
(I shouldn't joke and I probably will again)
Gale's eyes flutter open...
and he declares his undying love for Randy, moves to NYC so they can live happily ever after together and where he can stick to public transportation. :)
If they move to NYC, I NEED to be part of that equation!!! I'll be Randy or Gale's typist!
Becky, it would be my pleasure to send Gale any get well wishes.
Thanks for easing my mind/heart and those of Dish's readers.
Ps. Becky--What is your email? I can erase it the second it appears.
PPs. Becky, I removed your post only because it had an email address on it. I really appreciate your getting in touch with me.
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