Dish feels quite happy over the strides made. Three years ago, I was in a puddle of misery, and now I experience joy I never thought possible. I may not have Donald Sutherland as my father (hubba hubba), a great estate in Pemberley or 4 sisters (can you say Kotex?), but I love my family, friends, and the new addition of TG--who thinks my art is brilliant.
Perez Hilton alleges that Lindsay Lohan will spend very little time in jail. Celebrity Justice, yay! Though, it does amaze me how some celebs like Lindsay get skewered, spend their lives in a courtroom, while others get away with murder, shooting their spouses accidentally, or other thuggery.
Most important and thanks to Dishbrother for passing me this gem. Julia has gone back to being a blonde--though I didn't realize she'd gone brunette since EPL. Such a step back to her "Danny and I bless-ed to be having twins" on Oprah days. See http://www.stylelist.com/2011/04/25/julia-roberts-blonde/ for crucial update!
Paul Reiser was a cranky-puss on The Tonight Show about his show being axed. TG and I watched it and found it uncompelling--maybe a little passe. Loved Mad About You, don't think today's younger viewers would get it. There's not enough trainwreck/blood/law enforcement/teen sex in whining old men comedies. The days of Frasier, Seinfeld, Becker are over...for now. Look forward to seeing them again.
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