More babies. Are the stars trying to tell Dish something? It's alleged that Hugh Grant might have knocked up A WOMAN. For those who want me to focus on his work and not his personal life, well, HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING and we're all waiting with bated breasts. Love Hugh!
I might have read that President Sarkozy has created a zygote with Carla Bruni. How could that happen when she's 43 (;))? To offset this procreation, one of Charlie Sheen's goddesses pulled a Britney and dumped him via text.

I read somewhere that Gale Harold joined other celebs in supporting youths (or Tribeca Film Festival, did not read closely due to lack of Tom Ford glasses) and played some soccer yesterday in the city. Dish is so glad not to have been invited since I'm a married woman now and Gale, surely, wouldn't have liked temptation itself staring at him fixedly as he tried to play. Now TG is going to pull out his own star-crushes, Snooki and Christina Aguilera. He's going to kill me for writing this. But I did laundry and vacuumed (while watching Hellcats) and TG is more beautiful than all the stars!
1 comment:
Why does Dish need designer consumer goods when she has TG?
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