Some people are saying the Gene Simmons/Shannon Tweed marriage is a sham. Sorry but after 28 years, Shannon and Gene have earned the right to do whatever the eff they want with their marriage. They could both dress up as eggs and get their freaks on.
Ashton's alleged barfly tryst Sarah Leal allegedly alleges she and Ashton had sex for two hours. LIGHTWEIGHTS!
Just watched the Anderson episode with Carre Otis who dished on her abusive marriage to Mickey Rourke. She looked serene and fabulous with nice alleged cheek implants and those signature puffy lips. Did a quick search on IMDB to find out she is two months younger than I am--though heroin and Mickey might have aged her some, she still seems older than 43. Or maybe I am still 15. I hope I look half as good when I'm her age. Good for her to stand up against spousal abuse.
Nothing makes Dish happier than to see "Bikini Babes with Cellulite." I always wonder how the celebs stay so toned. Turns out, many are not flawless and that's just awesome (Paris, Eva, Britney, Julia). Dish will wear her bikini with pride. Can you tell Dish is suddenly obsessed with weight since being 43 means that everything STICKS TO THE A**? Three cookies later...
Does Dish eat cookies? How about a nice bowl of vegetable soup?
You'd think DM would know that Dish hates soup.There is no such thing as nice soup!!!
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