Lindsay and her long, flowing "blonde" locks showed up at the morgue a 5:30 am then supplied the staff with cupcakes and burgers. At noontime, when the employees were happily munching on their carbohydrates and processed beef, she snuck into the embalming room. She tiptoed to the forbidden cabinet, letting her eyes sweep the room. Oh these darlings, didn't they know who they were dealing with? Actress, singer, crotch-flasher. She opened one of the white wooden cabinets and saw a large bottle filled with amber liquid. "Mmmm..." she purred and pulled it from the shelf. She took a long chug of the brew. "Just right..." she said. Just kidding! Dish would forget all misdeeds for a few cupcakes and burgers. Well done, Linz!
6 staffers from Michelle Bachmann's NH team quit. Wonder why. Maybe she forgot the burgers and cupcakes.
Ashton Kutcher has released what sounds like a lame video about the truth in media and how lies spread on the Internets. I don't feel like watching it...okay I will. I just did. The truth about media and literature. Heartfelt, earnest, flashing ringless ring finger the whole time. WE ARE BEING PLAYED. I don't think anything much is going on here.
Hershey, I hate to break it to you but it seems Jessica Biel is back with Justin Timberlake. It's a sad day.
Thanks for the good morning giggle Dish. Have a great day.
I wish Jessica and Justin well. Justin is a delight, but he's a little too tattoed for my taste. I do appreciate his efforts at bringing sexy back. Mr. Criss is the star of my dreams these days.
Oh right, Hershey. I forgot that Darren Criss occupies your heart. He is very good at staying out of the tabloids for anything other than his gorgeosity.
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