Whitney Houston wouldn't buckle her seatbelt for some reason and was almost kicked off the plane. The girl was exhausted, leave her along. BobbBAY!!! The flight attendant had to buckle her in. Vile. I swear, if I meet a mean celeb, they are dead to me. In other a-hole behavior, Lindsay Lohan got booted from her community service at a women's center because she was a big old pain in the ass. Of course, she blames the center, saying they were mean. Landfill?
TG and I watch reruns of Frasier. It's the best thing Kelsey Grammer has ever done. I can't imagine how crappy Boss must be. In the previews, I keep expected him to deliver a quippy line and ask Niles to go to Le Cigale Volant. These days, Kelsey seems gross after dumping his wife so strategically and getting married five minutes later. But you have to admit, he does some things very well--like Frasier. After all his personal stuff--the yuck of which has followed him for decades, i.e. he was never a saint--sours me on continuing to follow his career. Boo. I forgave Woody Allen eventually for effing his daughter. He did marry her, as TG points out.
Celebrity vegetarians: Alec Baldwin, Carrie Underwood, Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Clinton, Anne Hathaway, Brad Pitt
You bring up a good point about Woody Allen. Every time I happen across Wild Men Blues, I end up watching it. Had a blind date once who told me he was walking through Central Park one day and saw this Asian woman looking really happy. He followed her gave to see the source of her happiness and then realized it was Soon Yi looking at Woody.
I stopped seeing his movies when he married his daughter. Was kind of looking for a reason not to see them.
have a great time in DC!
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