It's official: Dish's previous life occurred sometimes during the peak of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons (must be before 7/15/68). I know this because the instant the music started, sweet tears gathered in my eyes. I thought I would die if I had to stay in my seat and not dance and sing. Well, I had to stay in my seat because I was crushed against a fleet of conservative Christians (southern accents, I'm thinking Texas due to hair). They tsked every time a Jersey boy dropped an F bomb, which was often. The tsk-ing row behind me left after twenty minutes. What did they think they were seeing?
Jersey Boys was enjoyable, especially since it played my wedding dance song (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HJ7w9MTCqs) and my favorite song of all time:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Y9JwY8pEk. Fret not: Duran Duran's Girls on Film is #2.
Speaking of Jersey, Bruce Springsteen has a new tour, new album. That piercing siren you hear in upper Manhattan is J.J. squealing with delight.
Angelina Jolie is getting so much flack for being skeletal. I say hurray! If you can live on 600 calories a day, you're my hero. I tried it when I was 15 but almost fainted. Granted, a skinny Jolie is not so jolie but it's all for art, right, Ange? The experts are telling her to eat salmon, fresh veggies, freaking edamame, leans meats and 5 raw almonds per day. Screw that!!! Diet Coke, water vapors and protein shakes all the way!
We want an entry in "praise of Thanksgiving"--one that gives thanks for celebrities (and JJ).
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