I'm starting a new franchise: Hottest Person Who's Six Feet Under. This year, my vote is for Copernicus because he said Earth revolved around the sun, which is HOT.
Alleged With-Bieber-out-of-wedlock-procreator Maria Yeater dropped her paternity suit against the little tyke. Maybe she found a better babydaddy. Like Jesus?
I've relearned a lesson thanks to the most recent Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Women who starve themselves are more likely to have a crazy meltdown. Witness Taylor going off on the Vanderpump. A normal person with normal blood sugar would accept an apology and explanation and move on. This was truly the precipice of hell itself and, gosh, I hope she's doing better now. I like Taylor, weird party for her child and all.
This pains me: The Iron Lady trailer looks positively wretched. I love Meryl to pieces, but this is a stinker. Or at least the trailer captures the corniest moments with Meryl needing to scale back. Not the Iron Lady but Julia Child--UK! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDiCFY2zsfc.
My previous snide comment about RHBH aside, I watched the latest episode last night while hubby was at tennis and holy cannoli, I loved Camille's reaction to Taylor's attempts at deflection. In addition to chattering away to take her mind off the fact that her body was possibly eating itself to stay alive,I think she may have been trying to redirect the focus back to Lisa in order to avoid being confronted with the fact that she'd been venting about Russell's alleged behavior and yet seemed to be making no effort to leave him. Don't you find it ironic that Lisa was the only one who questioned why the other women would doubt whether Taylor was telling them the truth about Russell?
Hasn't Camille been cool as a cucumber this season? I am loving her serenity and no-nonsense. Indeed, Lisa's being a confronter on the issue is ironic. Though she is kind of the leader--especially being British, ergo articulate and more intriguing.
The only thing that bothers me is all the plastic surgery. Can they really think it looks good? My friend Langdon of Langdon Nation in LA explained that in LA, you really do need to invest in your face and it's expected of you. Though maybe that's the excuse he gave me!
Ps. All this skeevy news about Kim's new Shrek boyfriend. Their relationship seemed sweet, but now, "still active on Match". Ewwww.
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