Allegedy: Matthew Fox is suing the Cleveland woman who said he punched her in the vadge when she wouldn't let him get on her party bus. That's a country song! Justin Bieber will submit to DNA test to prove he's not the babydaddy and then he's gonna sue the nonbabymama. Herman Cain has a fourth woman, beckybeckybeckystan (I don't know the name, do you?), coming forward to say he did some sexual harassing. Is his campaign over?
Taking the high road: The Kardashians loved the SNL spoof on Kim's marriage. I love that.
Lindsay Lohan served 4.5 hours in jail. Lame! Back to the clubs.
4.5 hours out of 30 days?? I really hope Hef took her aside and tried to convince her that she should forget about movies, get her probation out of the way, move to NYC and rebuild her reputation via the theater where, I assume, understudies are less expensive than insurance. I could just see them having a conversation about how LL is the reincarnation of MM and that HH owes it to her in this lifetime to help set her on the right path since MM helped set him on the path to the playboy mansion.
I found out about Conrad Murray last night when I went to dinner with a friend who watches CNN constantly. Otherwise Dish would have been my source for this info. He should have just pleaded guilty from the beginning. I wonder if that babymama who testified/acted the story about having propofol delivered to her apartment lobby will actually get her own reality show...
Wow, Anonymous, such insight into LL. Though MM did read voraciously, and I suspect LL does not. It's true that Hef could give her a lot of wisdom and I could *so* see her doing theater. It's such a shame because she was a good actress for a few minutes. Maybe she'll turn things around. She just needs to go dark for a while.
Re: Conrad Murray and CNN--Yes, I am also an addict. Glad I can help provide any info. I just wonder when Arnold Klein will be charged with *something* as he seemed mighty fishy in interviews. Though I feel no one could have saved MJ.
Lots of death via "unnatural causes" lately...
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