Saturday, November 03, 2012

No Marathon But Daylight Savings Time--Yay!!!

I didn't realize the marathon was this weekend. Cancel it? Why? Then my brain snapped back to consciousness and tried to envision a marathon this weekend--of all weekends--and that pony didn't fly. No freaking way. Dish might have to walk to the day job since it's way downtown because no way in hell am I taking the 6. The horror!

TG and I are getting our bearings back. He made dinner and I thought about ironing his shirts until I decided to do it tomorrow. Instead, I did some thinking. Here's what I believe: that Mother Nature delivered her October Surprise. Superstorm Sandy shut everyone up and slowed the race fatigue. Now we just have to vote and get this done. But one last thing from Cher and Kathy Griffin.

And now, I must tend to a big headache.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the line to Cher and KG. They are right: it's important for everyone to vote!