Monday, November 05, 2012

Vote-Eve (Candles + Anderson)360

Dish loves algebraic expression (see above). I feel so much excitement over the election. Cannot wait to pull an all-nighter tomorrow to watch for results. The Cosmic Goddess has listened to my heart's yearning (a little less running around, svp) and gifted me with a week of paid productive sloth. Make no mistake, I will still run my ass off, thanks to reading LΓΌc Carl's excellent The Drunk Diet--a rocker's manifesto to get healthy. I will work until my eyes bleed and I need to run to Duane Reade to get reading glasses to go on top of my thick coke-bottled specs for my near-sightedness. I am that much of a psychotic workaholic and running junkie. I will listen to The CG's lessons, make the most of Sandy's dust.

And I will be well rested enough to vote tomorrow. I was going to secretly not vote because had my schedule been a normal one, I wouldn't have been able to until after 7pm, which is my prime blowing-off period.

Okay, Obama, I'll sign up for 4 more years. But we know who I'm secretly voting for.

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