Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hey, Cutiepants

Let's face it, reality shows are where leathery has-beens go to make a desperate attempt to regain stardom. Hello, Bret Michaels, Peter Brady, Tori Spelling, Paula Abdul, Anna Nicole. The list goes on forever. If I were a has-been, I'd go to Lifetime. There, you'll find a stable of fun-to-watch actors who have the misfortune of being without tv show or film, but who are still delicious.

Imagine my joy when, fresh from Jag, David James Elliott appears in Lovesick: Secrets of a Sex Addict, about a bored wife who needs to fill her empty life with reckless shagging. Just my speed. The wife is lured by David's magic penis into a torrid affair, and she's goes bananas. Ultimately, we learn that love-starved whores really need hugs, not plugs...and usually from their affection-withholding fathers. It was difficult to believe that David was the icky one, but he has that Mark Harmon quality--can be Prince Charming or a serial killer. Keep it up, DJE!
Tonight Dish sees Xanadu on Broadway. Cannot wait!

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