Saturday, June 07, 2008

Death at a Funeral is Death But Kate Is My Shot of Adrenaline

Couldn't post yesterday because Mercury is in retrograde and no wireless I could piggyback on while in the boonies.

So yeah, the boonies. To deal with the silence, I wanted a light comedy about death but Death at a Funeral was more a tiresome farce, with no full frontal and an old man crapping in someone's hand. Am not into farce. Tennis is much more fun. I do applaud the casting of Peter Dinklage, Rupert Graves and the latest Mr. Darcy (Matthew something--too lazy for

While my family basked in fitful slumber, I crept into the TV room, looking for something to steal. Kate & Leopold, that romantic comedy where Hugh Jackman sweet-talks Meg Ryan back to his time. Watched it--but not avidly. The film promotes distant relative incest. Liev's great-great-great grandfather is Hugh, but Liev also copped with Meg for four years, Meg who bred with Hugh. That's so sick! No wonder she was angry and blond. I'd be livid if I wasted four years trying to make a relationship with my great-great-great grandson work. This is the flick she made after she and Russell "Phone Thrower" Crowe broke up, so she's double-pissed! Understandable, but she's better off. Also, Liev is cute throughout and what a bear would look like if you shaved all the hair off its face. I mean that in a nice way.

As I made my way back into Manhattan, I listened obsessively to Fiction Plane's "Two Sisters," drowning out the loud people behind me. Dish dated Two Brothers once, back when life was a soap opera. #1 didn't know about #2, and #2 was separated with another girlfriend. So I was the Other Other Woman. Today that would get me a reality show.
(Ps: Get well soon to Dish's father!)

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