I'm just not feeling
The Closer this season. Could be my seasonal ADD as I wait for the fall's lineup. Summer fries my brain. Last week, I was excited because Brenda and Fritz got into a fight. But this episode, all was resolved and Fritz's milk chocolate leather jacket offended my sense of aesthetic. I wanted more yelling, more impaling on the painful relationship sword. Instead, they boobed up today's episode with the ever-excellent Jennifer Coolidge but the case made my butt fall asleep. I need me some decapitation, post-fight elation, sugar mastication, another Fritz-Brenda altercation.
To perk myself up, I'll read the latest issue of
Fitness:RX where Jackie Warner is calling me. I love that hot lez, though my friend L. insists her nose is not real. Say it ain't so!
I agree! That jacket was hideous, and as much as I love Miss Coolidge, this episode seemed to be written by someone in a crack haze! It was so stupid, I'm starting to feel that this GREAT show is running out of gas way to soon.....
Am so with you, JJ. I mean...where's the magic? I've been in love with Jon Tenney for 18 years so my Mondays are precious. But now it's like a fart without the huge noise. I smell cancellation within two years.
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