Now that I've got your attention...Dish took a break from tennis to watch
The Unseen, which stars The Second Coming (not Obama but Gale Harold). I'll tell you what's unseen: full frontal. But who cares? Dish just wants art (which happens briefly in a dark bathroom with a girl who is not me, though as usual, it's over in thirty seconds). First thought: Southern accents in movies make me gassy because actors often overdo it on the twang. Gale sounded freakishly authentic. You'd think he actually came from the South. I adore the South. My heart is there with all the artery-clogging food and lush scenery. I could deal with hicksville as long as I could sip spiked mint juleps on a porch and wear sundresses. But back to the flick: In a nutshell, BFFs Steve Harris (who I heart madly) and Gale are estranged due to some terrible tragedy (usually involving Daddy's peen). Steve comes back when his dad dies and clashes with Gale over his little blind brother, Richard Simmons. Richard and Steve bond, which pisses Gale off. Tragedy ensues.
Though it has some slow moments and painful cliches (ex: someone sings "Amazing Grace"), compelling performances by Steve, Gale, and Catherine Dent carry the story. Gale's scene at the end was electric and I lost count in my knitting--a big deal since Dish can multi-task. And sorry, Gale: facial hair, a baseball cap and swigging JD in front of a Confederate flag won't kill my love for you, though I await nicer attire and hair on
Desperate Housewives.
Gale IS from the South. Georgia to be exact.
Gale sounded freakishly authentic because he is -- he grew up not far from where The Unseen was set.
The woman he was with in the restroom was Michelle Clunie (QaF's Melanie Marcus).
And that was star stylist Phillip Bloch as the blind brother, not Richard Simmons.
p.s. Glad you liked the film though. One of Gale's best I think.
I've seen all of Lisa France's films and they're all wonderful. I highly recommend seeing the others too.
Yeah, I did learn earlier that GH was from the South; that it was not Richard Simmons (though sounded a little like him and the hair was the same sorta); and that Melanie was Gale's babe in the movie. I was trying to be funny but, as usual, failing...
Thanks for reading! Will totally check out more Lisa France.
Definitely do! They're all very different and very good.
"Anne B Real" is about a young girl in Harlem, and "Love & Suicide" is set and shot mostly in Cuba.
I hope she does more and/or that these get better distribution.
Great, I will check those out. By the way, do you know when Falling for Grace is going to come out on Netflix? I'm dying to see Gale in something fun and fluffier. I don't want to move to San Francisco to see it (I'd have to get a new job) since that seemed to be the only place where it was playing. And I heart Margaret Cho.
There's no specific DVD plans yet. It has shown other places besides SF.
The most updated info tends to be here:
Falling For Grace will be showing next in San Diego. No details yet.
Fay has no plans currently to put it out on DVD.
But on the site just posted take the survey to let them know you are interested.
I also loved Annie B Real and an anxious to see Love and Suicide.
Yeah, I did learn earlier that GH was from the South; that it was not Richard Simmons (though sounded a little like him and the hair was the same sorta); and that Melanie was Gale's babe in the movie. I was trying to be funny but, as usual, failing...
Don't worry, Dish, I totally get your humor! Thanks for the review. Damn, I was hoping the art scene
in the bathroom lasted longer b/c I really appreciate Gale being artsy. I'm also looking forward to seeing Falling For Grace. You know you're Gale addicted when you give serious consideration to willingly going to Des Moines, Iowa just to see this movie.
Have you seen the Desperate Housewives preview yet? He looks aaamazing. :)
Thanks again!
Ya know, I've never been to Iowa. Road trip!!! I'm praying the movie will come to NYC and that Dish could somehow get a peek.
The movie has such a great cast and everyone should see it (especially we Gale fanatics). It looks like fun.
Re: how Gale looks on Desperate Housewives--it's embarrassing how many times I've watched the finale on Youtube and fast-forwarded to the last 20 seconds. That bitch Teri Hatcher!!!!
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