To begin my night, I watched Two Weeks, a choice inspired by my ongoing love for Sally Field. She can do anything -- TV, movies, Osteoposis commercials. I'd love it if she could change the lightbulb in my chicken...I mean, kitchen. Hmmmm, someone ate too much sesame bean curd. Anyway, if Dish didn't know this was based on a true story, I'd venture that it was a snoozefest. Well, it was. Probably because the real story is so huge, so unimagineable, it's impossible to capture on film. Sort of like the first time you have sex--not like in romance novels where all the parts fit perfect and ecstasy ensues. Two Weeks is about a mother (always played by Sally) on her deathbed and how the spawn deal with it. I'd like to say there was no crying, vomiting, crapping in one's pants and morphine but I'd be lying. You kinda get the gist. And yet again, just like in Forrest Gump, Sally dies! Why Sally??? If she dies on Brothers & Sisters, so help me... In any case, parting thought: I feel for whoever went through this experience. It's truly awful.
I saw this some time ago and all I can say to your post is "Great Minds Think Alike"
Yah, it was kinda stinky. For the first time ever, I thought Tom Cavanaugh was dreadful. I saw him once on the street once. He's very pretty.
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