Friday, January 04, 2008

First Tom Cruise Dream of 2008

It's officially the start of a new year since my subconscious has delivered another Tom Cruise message. Again, I don't ask for these dreams. This one came circa 6 a.m. In it, I was waiting in a coffee shop for *someone*. No sooner do I chug my half mocha cara-latte than Katie Holmes wafts over to my table. She's laughing, she's tall, she's the person everyone wants to befriend. There is no Suri, no Tom (though it's really Tom by marriage)--just two girls chatting over coffee. Was this my official welcome? Is she implying that Jesus will appear later? Who knows. The dream was so benign I fell back to sleep, which is usually a hardship for me. Thank you, Katie. Sniff.

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