Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Rest in Peace, Paul Walker, While Dish Sobs

It's been a rough few days. Not rough enough for me to go to the Paul Walker crash site. I've been too busy and we know it takes a village to get me on a plane. But I'm in mourning over PW's senseless demise. For a very stupid reason. I'll confess it here. Blonds don't do it for me, except for three...now two.

1. Jason Lewis (without the long hair, he's pushing it)
2. Daniel Craig

The rest--hideous. Brad Pitt--yick. Alex Skarsbar--gag. Now only two. Blond women, gorgeous. Not to be superficial or anything.

Seriously, though, PW's death saddens me. That poor daughter of his will miss him terribly. What makes it worse is the minute to minute updates. Blah...


Anonymous said...

51Ten days and no blog news? What is Dish doing with herself? Whatever it is, it is not fair to devoted readers!

Dish said...

Bless you, Anonymous. I need the kick in the butt. It's not as if I have nothing to say...