Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dish Upon a Star University

Dish Upon a Star would like to announce its new school: Dish Upon a Star University. To become truly insane, immerse yourself in celebrity culture and get a degree in stargazing. It's sort of like a degree in French, which is not useful for anything except reading Baudelaire.

To receive a diploma, you need to acquire 100 credits.

Friendship with a celebrity (not just a passing hello) -- 5 credits
Eyelock with a celebrity -- 1 credit
Star Sightings - 1/2 credit
Conversation with a star (even just hello, as long as you respond) - 1 credit
Sleeping with a celebrity -- 50 credits
Keeping an ongoing blog about stars -- 10 credits
Longtime crush on celebrity lasting over 10 years -- 5 credits
High school term paper on celebrity -- 5 credits
Reporting spectacular celebrity news -- 2 credits

Courses you can take at DUAS U:

Creating lesson plans for Paris Hilton and child stars: 3 credits

A study of plastic surgery: Does it help a star's career or is it just something for us to make fun of?

How Sex and the City, Queer As Folk and The L Word are the same show: 3 credits

Analysis of accidental erotic dreams where celebrities are involved (like the one we had about Tom Cruise--yuck!): 3 credits

A strategic plan for meeting a celebrity without inconveniencing him/her or going to jail: 3 credits.

Divas' ex-husbands and why Mark Anthony and Cleopatra could have never worked out today: 3 credits

The road to Oscar--a study of cross-dressers, queens, murderers, old farts and mentally challenged characters in film.

Curriculum suggestions welcome.

Sign up today!


Anonymous said...

TOO MUCH!!!!!!!

Where do I sign up????

xoxo - L

Dish said...

Right here, baby! I just have to see if I can earn the credits myself...