Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Apple in Matt Damon's Eyes

There's no sense to the title of this post, but Dish finally saw The Bourne Ultimatum and went to the Apple Store downtown. Flick-wise: Adored the premise and acting. But within five minutes, anxiety had rejigged the electricity in my heart. Damn that editing, why was it so choppy? And the handheld camera really bothers me now since everyone uses it after the Blair Witch Project and Traffic. I get the symbolism. Oooooh, lots of frenetic action, so much going on, frantic, everyone going nuts! While I enjoyed seeing Damon kick some CIA/NSA ass, the technical aspects of the film made the experience less pleasurable. But it was nice to see BF all into it.

Life does offer sweet moments, i.e. eating marzipan, watching tennis, eating marzipan while watching tennis, but some Apple stores are sour. Last weekend, I walked to the Apple Store on Prince Street, hoping to replace the battery of my iPod. I entered and had a panic attack. Crowds, iPhone mania, bright lights. I walked out. Today at lunchtime, I walked down there again and was greeted by affable nerds. They told me to go upstairs where I encountered more nerds, one of whom said I needed to make a reservation to change my battery and the soonest would be in four hours. "Uh, I'm sorry but I have a job," I responded. It was like a doctor's office. You need to make an appointment and you NEED to get this fixed by these people otherwise things won't work properly. I cursed Steve Jobs on the way home. Lucky for me, the second nerd gave me an address near my home where I could get the battery replaced. The deed was done within ten minutes (this second place catering to poorer Apple users).


Sam said...

Oh dish, I'm so excited that you finally saw Ultimatum! I was about to give you an ultimatum of my own - see this movie or get continually nagged by me until you do!

Glad to hear you liked it, and super glad the BF was all into it (as well he should be). I'm liking this BF more and more. :)

Matt Rules!

Dish said...

Oh Sam...We are so glad you're glad. Matt Damon is an excellent action hero (way better than Ben Affect). Loving him more and more. And it was BF's idea to go. It was one of his Must See movies.