Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pre-Thanksgiving Afternoon Delight

As I crush Oreo cookies into a pie crust, I'm dying of excitement over season four of 24. Jack Bauer just escaped the evil terrorists with William Devane covering him, and it choked me up. Young and old working together, the old/cranky with the raspy-voiced/hot. How does William Devane relate to Dish, you ask? Turns out he went to high school with my dad! Because Father is oblivious to celebrities (except for Grace Kelly, Clint Eastwood and Richard Gere), he hasn't provided me with juicy details. This was a boarding school, so you know there had to be something dishy.

In other news, Duran Duran was on Ellen today and rocked the audience into euphoric spasms. Okay, that was just me. To further my viewing pleasure, I read the Julia Roberts article in Vanity Fair and had the idle thought: does The Julia like Duran Duran? That would be too much of a good thing--like looking at the sun.

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