Thursday, March 03, 2011

Not Much to Report

Dish is doing a quick immersion in Little House on the Prairie, where dumbass Half Pint thinks she can keep a disease-ridden raccoon as a pet. But it's so cute!

The biggest thing I read in In Touch was that--brace yourself--Jenn and Brad had a near collision at LAX on 2/23. Catastrophe! Makes me wonder at all the near celebrity collisions at airports. I should make a map of who's done whom and get concrete facts of Who's The Biggest Ho in Hollywood. Who gets your vote? It would keep the airspace safe for America.

The raccoon just bit the dog, who is now f*cked. but Michael Landon--topless, of course--will suck the rabies out of the canine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's this Little House on the Prairie gig? We imagined Dish as a super-sophisticate.