Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Indiana's Crystal Crap

Sadly, Dish suffers from one of the following (too soon after falling in the subway gap at 149th Street Grand Concourse):

1. food poisoning from bad chicken at Whole Foods salad bar
2. a cute appendicitis (never an ugly one)
3. self-indulgent holiday blues while others are starving in Third World countries

Whatever the ailment, it's worse that Dishmama is France-bound for the next two weeks. To ease my pain, I slip in the latest Indiana Jones. After an hour, I have to interrupt to write how suck-tastic it is. Not only is Shia LeSmurf stinking up the screen as he gets whacked in the nuts by jungle flora, but Cate Blanchett's appalling caricature makes my stomach turn even more. I love Cate so I'm sure I'm just the wrong audience. The soothing metaphorical Tums comes in the form of Karen Allen who is always a joy to behold. How I will get through the last hour, I'm not sure, but I must. I'll do it for Karen who is also a knitter.

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