Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Not About the Blonde

A girlfriend of mine once made an omelet for Lance when he came over for a cycling-cluster-f*ck at her house. He told her that her legs were too fat (they're not). Then he asked her to remove the yolk from his omelet. There's other stuff too but I'm nice (ish).

It's fun to watch these super-stars date. Like a business. Mashing Kate Hudson is an excellent move considering her rising star power. She's sparkly, laid back, and does a brilliant impersonation of Drew Barrymore. I kind of like her, though I love her mother. While I could more easily go drinking with Sheryl Crow than KH, I can see why he moved along.
After all, Sheryl has too much yolk. She's ancient and not as camera-ready. And she's probably not *really* a blonde, which is crucial in today's world.

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