Saturday, February 26, 2011

Julia Dream!

Just as nature intended us to be BFFs, Julia Roberts appeared in my dream last night. I picked her up to go the Oscars. In the car, I was on my best behavior so no crazy-fan-rapid-fire questions (omg, how cool are you, love your cheekbones, where do you buy your yarn, I can't stop watching Notting Hill even though your character was a cow, you and Danny are ssooooo cute together and oh I love New Mexico too, what do you think of me?). I remained serene and Julia-esque myself...until the car stopped for Jeff Bridges. He came out of a narrow break in the hedges. He had two sons following him and they were both high as kites. Jeff got on in on the driver's side, his two high sons scrunched with me and Julia. Jeff proceeded to drive like a crazy person. Thoughts?

As predicted, Parker got the boot from the Spitzer/Parker show. She's better off not sharing the stage with that jackass. So now it'll be the LookAtMeSpitzerLookatMe Show (cue provocative closeups of the man who treated his family/New Yorkers like garbage). There are so many more appealing and benign narcissists I'd rather watch.


Anonymous said...

Women were throwaway for him then and throwaway now. CNN has caught the disease. Its full-out misogyny is literally a turn-off.

John Haracopos said...

Let me understand, women like Dish & her readers dislike Spitzer for cheating, lying & screwing and in no way could forgive him! But Camille Grammer who threw her hungry mousetrap at a wealthy married man, had her tits done & had her face pumped and yanked so she looks 63 instead of 43 gets your support and admiration...
It seems to me that women today have created their own version of "The Good Old Boys Club" and it's sexist!

Dish said...

As well it should be sexist. The Good Old Boys have had their way long enough. I loathe Spitzer because of his attitude on CNN and how he patronizes his hosts and is clearly a narcissist. You gotta stop listening to Adele for two seconds and watch the show, JJ. After screwing over his own state for unethical behavior, Spitzer gets to rise again and makes bizillions of $$$s. And I support Camille Grammer for her earning potential after getting screwed over so royally and publicly. Women who put in 13 years then get dumped (especially in Hollywood and after age 40) tend to get left as landfill. If she doesn't have any talent, at least she can get as much $$$ as she can to survive. I support that over Spitzer's laughable wacking off on CNN.

Anonymous 2 said...

Camille Grammer is basically pathetic; who endorses that? Spitzer is, by contrast, powerful: he silences women, tramps all over MANY of them and some men too, and is endorsed by the entire media world. He represents what it takes to be powerful and just won another round by getting rid of the female competition! (He doesn't have to go through painful, dangerous surgery to do it either.) He only has to exercise his loud and abusive mouth and his misogyny.