Tuesday, December 08, 2009

OMP Off the Market

Whip out the Kleenex, Mickey Rourke might be engraved to marry! He is a great actor so he should have a wedding ring and an Oscar three times over. I love him, his damn purse dogs and freaky face. Only Mickey could steal the spotlight from Enrique Iglesias in his own video. While this marriage looks like a train-wreck, I wish Mickey love however he finds it (in exotic brothel).

(Dish is selectively forgetting his being accused of battery in last marriage--we all make mistakes)


DM said...

Has he been in any fun chick flick we could all see over the holidays?

Dish said...

Ha! He is the anti-chick-flick. Dishstepfather knows who he is! MR was in Sin City, which DSF called, "the most violent and pornographic movie" he's ever seen.

DBSK said...

And yet, his first Hollywood film was a comedy: Steven Spielberg's 1941.

HersheyKiss said...

Mickey Rourke: guácala.