Monday, December 28, 2009

Will They Divorce???

2009 has been all about divorce and death. Two marriages are on the line: Tiger and Elin, now Charlie and Brooke. Rumor has it, the wife wants out but Charlie's camp maintains they are working things out. What do you think? Do you care?

Me either. Still reeling from Sarandon/Robbins breakup, though.


John Haracopos said...

Charlie Sheen? Really? I'm a fan but I just don't care where he put's his cock or who he beats up. None of it is ever shocking...

Anonymous said...

Do we care about any of these folks? Don't we simply read Dish for the dishness of Dish? It's hardly imaginable that Dish really reels about people she doesn't know. The image is great and the big attraction. Thank you!