Thursday, May 26, 2011

Continuing the Jim Carrey Love with Liar Liar!

I read something about a criminal probe into Arnold's affairs (or just into Arnold) and my brain went into the sewer. Now that's a movie in itself. Rumor has it there will be a July wedding for Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp. Seems rash but I sort of love them together. Whatever works! TG and I got married fast. Sometimes you just have to do it. Today, Dish was ill from potential sinus infection and TG thrashed around the apartment to The Doors's "Peace Frog," instantly curing me. I'm happy to be Mrs. TG.

Dish will be watching The Secret Circle this fall and so should you as it looks good and trashy. And who doesn't adore it when Gale plays a royal a-hole? Love also Natasha Henstridge who has been a goddess since Species.

Anthony Lane always writes fabulous reviews in The New Yorker and his review of Terrence Mallick's The Tree of Life does not disappoint. I'm not a bit Pitt fan but this might be inneresting (as my grandmother used to say).

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