Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kevin Costner Would Never Have Done This!!!

Secret Service agents were sent home because they were busy partying with prostitutes -- BEFORE they did the job of protecting Obama in Colombia. It's such Gen-X, Y thinking: Reward yourself ahead of completing the task. Unprofessional! Dish would like to open up a Charm School, where one learns to be polite, courteous and professional. I need a few refreshers, but at least I have the basics.
Sad to say, the only other news is that Kelsey Grammer got his wife's name tattoo-ed on his hip. First of all, ew. Second of all, TMI. But being psychic, I know exactly what happened. Here's the conversation:

Kayte: (sitting on couch, crying over how uncomfortable it is to carry twins) You have no idea how I feel.

Kelsey: (pacing, raking hand through grizzly hair) And I never will. I'm not a woman, Kayte.

Kayte: You're going to leave me. I'm getting so fat. Camille never got fat.

Kelsey: What do you want me to do?

Kayte: You're no fun anymore.

Kelsey: I play with my Wii, we tweet. How else can I make you happy?

Kayte: Let's go out, do something crazy. SHOTS!

Kelsey: The doctor said to take it easy.

Kayte: I want it in writing. You'll never leave me!!! You don't know what I'm going through!!!

Kelsey: Oh dear God. What's close to the pain of childbirth?

Kayte: Get a tattoo!!!

Kelsey: I hate needles. Oh poo.

Kayte: Do it!!! I'm wife #4, how am I special?

Kelsey: Oh all right. I'll get a 60$ tattoo. Your name in my pelvic region.

Kayte: Oh that is so awesome!!! You love me!!!

(because you certainly can't get a tattoo removed). Sorry. That was mean. It sort of just seems weird. Mostly the 60$ part. The photo is everywhere.

Hilary Clinton seen partying in Colombia, way past her bedtime. Get a lampshade, Hils. I'll always vote for ya!

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