Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Praise for Lisa Nicole Carson

Dish has been on an Ally McBeal rampage, a show that is even better 15 years later and on the second go-around. David Kelley was ahead of his time in some ways and many of his words and cases are prophetic. It was easy for me to love Lisa Nicole Carson aka Renee since she seemed like the fun roommate we all want -- pushy, game for PJs and ice cream, strong, and able to beat the crap out of a wayward date. Ally was harder for me to like. I resented her in 1997 because we were the same age. She was so skinny and I was only just a little skinny. She was a lawyer and I was...well...struggling. She was a big pain and I was...well...I couldn't make a decision (I still struggle), which is its own pain in the butt. I love Ally now as well as Renee. The secondary characters found other projects, mostly, but I wondered whatever happened to Lisa Nicole Carson. After exhaustive Dish-research, I discovered she's had a rocky road, leaving the biz altogether. I just want to send out my wishes that she's found her way to peace. And of course, I'd love to see her back on TV again since she was vivacious and lit up the screen. Then again, life itself can be enough. I hope she is happy and healthy, wherever she is.

Who needs show biz?


Anonymous said...

Dish needs show biz.

Dish said...

You're right, Anon. I'm like Mayo screaming "I've got no place to gooooooo!" to Louis Gozett Awesome Jr.