Monday, August 31, 2009

I Don't Remember Shoplifting Those Magazines

Though I didn't hear him on Larry King, Chris Brown supposedly doesn't remember beating the crap out of his ex-girlfriend Riyanna. If that gets me five years probation, I am totally going on a crime spree. The world will forgive me. I'll still be on TV. My coffers will replenish themselves once the public conveniently forgets my evil deed and finds me cute again.

I once stole four magazines from a pharmacy. I was in boarding school, desperately in love with Duran Duran. I had no money, couldn't run back to get some. My pants were enormous and time was of the essence. I rolled them up and stuffed them down, walked out the door. Now I cringe over what could have happened--suspension, calling my parents, reputation as a lame magazine thief. Thieving is not my bag and, even when I was a thug-adolescent, it was out of character. As you can tell, my obsession was desperate.

Still, I wouldn't have punched someone black and blue for these mags. Maybe I did. I don't remember.


Anonymous said...

Miss Dish, We are shocked. Do you repent?

Dish said...

I do. But I might need a beating, too (or at least a spanking)!

NotKissSinceKissDoesn'tSteal said...

I'll confess to pilfering a magazine or two as a youth, since Dish started the confessions rolling. I just won't acknowledge which magazine made its way from the shelf to my pants. I leave that to one's imagination.

Dish said...

Hello, Cryptic Boy who keeps repeating Kiss which is a message in itself. I'd say you stole Playboys. You were a good boy but needed to have some fun. Thumbs up.

NotEvenCloseToKissBecauseKissWouldn'tDreamOfStealing said...

No, not Playboy. Guess again.

Dish said...

Oh, how could I have been so stupid. Obvs, it's PlayGIRL!

HersheyKiss said...

Tee hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Repent! Repent! All of you.