Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Still a Rock Star

People are complicated. Our former president ate pizza/got blown/made inappropriate comments that sabotaged his wife's campaign. Today he got two U.S. journalists pardoned by North Korea. Did he promise that leader sexual favors (you know that's the joke all the late night hosts will have)? Even through his *um* gaffes, I never gave up hope.

What I don't understand is how Shirley MacLaine fell in love with Fred MacMurray in The Apartment. He is as sexy as a worn shoe but she loved him enough to overdose on sleeping pills. Maybe I've been doing it all wrong? Normally, I see attempted suicide as a relationship dealbreaker but here it only inflames Jack Lemmon's love. Shirley did the perfect thing by getting her stomach pumped and heaving in Jack's bathroom. Lesson learned. The problem is...well, there's the whole ending-of-life thing. Too much effort for this lazy scheming girl.

Dish had a near miss where checks were mislaid (poor checks) and all sorts of accusations would have come to light. Thanks to the good people of Chase, it was made clear that Dish is a space cadet. I blame it on the heat and my feeling under the weather.

1 comment:

md said...

Is Dish an angry man? That said, fab picture of PC.